My team is here to serve. Our unique backgrounds, training and experience have prepared us well to help meet your insurance needs. Additionally, as residents of your community, we understand how important it is to be there for you - our trusted friends and neighbors. Together, we're building strong partnerships that help everyone succeed.
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vicki wagener teamphoto
sarah schiltz profilephoto

Sarah Schiltz

Sales Specialist - All Lines
Sarah was born and raised in Waunakee. She attended Madison College where she studied all lines of Insurance, healthcare and Customer Service. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her dogs, Molly and Marley, and Shopping.
taylor daubenspeck profilephoto

Taylor Daubenspeck

Marketing Specialist
Taylor was born and raised here in Madison. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2016. In her spare time, she enjoys coaching competitive cheerleading to children of all ages.
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Addison Wurth

Non-Licensed Staff