Block Party

Great Block Party Tips

Updated July 21, 2016 . AmFam Team

These great block party tips will help you organize fun, safe and memorable neighborhood gatherings!

Looking for a great way to get to know the neighbors? Want to soak up the sun and socialize in the street? A block party brings the whole community together and makes everybody feel right at home. So start up the grill and get ready to rock the block with these seven perfect party-planning tips!

Group plan. It’s hard to throw the party of the summer all by yourself. Gather up a few co-planners and form a committee. You’ll get more done and you’ll create better buzz.

Get permission. Unless the local police are on the invite list, you probably don’t want them showing up. Make sure you check with your township office or public works department to get all the right permits.

Location matters. Once you get the green light, it’s time to find the right spot. Location could determine how many neighbors show up, so choose wisely. The best spot on the block is usually somewhere in the middle, because the middle is never too far from home.

Think safety. With so much to think about, don’t forget to be safe! For starters, keep an eye on the bouncy house, keep people properly hydrated and keep dogs on their leashes. And if the party is on your property, contact your American Family Insurance agent (Opens in a new tab) to make sure your policy is party-ready. Have fun!

Spread the word. Our online world makes party promotion easier than ever. With a touch of technology and a dash of creativity, you can get the word out to a big group, fast!

  • Have an email list? Consider using a web-based invitation service. Many are free and help track details, manage RSVPs and send updates.
  • Social media is a great promoter. Facebook allows you to create a group invite that only your neighborhood friends can access.
  • If you can’t reach the right people with your laptop, get your feet on the street! Put up signs, knock on doors and drop off fliers.

Fun for all. Neighbors come in a wide variety. For entertainment everybody can enjoy, think beyond the Frisbee.

  • Host a talent show using a porch as a stage.
  • Rent a karaoke machine!
  • If your street is closed, play street hockey.
  • Set up a scavenger hunt.
  • Designate an area for board games, cards or chess.

Food rules. A party isn’t a party without the eats! Have party-goers bring their own food for the grill. Don’t feel like flipping burgers all day? Go potluck and assign a dish to every house. Or, take up a collection and have the food catered. You place the order – the professionals do the rest. Mmm, that was easy!

Block parties are all about fun, community, and making memories. Go forth, celebrate and enjoy!

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