Young man talking on phone after an accident with uninsured driver

Handling an Uninsured Driver Accident

Updated January 13, 2022 . AmFam Team

1 in 8 drivers doesn’t have auto insurance. Know how to handle accidents with uninsured drivers and the best practices for filing an insurance claim.

Although a minimum amount of liability car insurance is legally required in most states, there are still drivers behind the wheel without insurance. According to the Insurance Research Council (Opens in a new tab), about 1 in 8 drivers doesn’t have auto insurance. And even though you’re a driver who follows the rules of the road, you’re still vulnerable to accidents with uninsured drivers.

We’ve laid out how to handle accidents with uninsured drivers and the best practices for filing an insurance claim — giving you the confidence and know-how to take the right steps in the event of the unexpected.

What is uninsured motorist coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage provides protection if you get into an accident with someone who doesn’t have insurance. If you have this optional coverage — it’s required in many states, but not all — your insurance provider will step in and help cover costs for bodily injuries to you and your passengers — which is typically what someone’s liability insurance does. It’ll help cover your medical costs and loss of income, among other expenses.

What if you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage?

If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, you could take the at-fault driver to court to sue for these incurred expenses. But this could take time and money with no guarantee you’ll win a settlement — so you very well could be stuck paying out of pocket for any injuries. Collision insurance coverage can be used to help fix your vehicle.

Stay Protected When the Unexpected Happens

Having uninsured motorist protection gives you peace of mind when you hit the road. Connect with an American Family Insurance agent (Opens in a new tab) to learn more about adding this coverage to your policy today.

You can also check out how our underinsured motorist protection can provide you with a financial safety net in the event of the unexpected.

This article is for informational purposes only and includes information widely available through different sources.


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